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Commercial RV Body Repair

Those who love RV'ing are fans of the open road

But the open road can come with incidents and hazards that can cause  scratches and fiberglass damage to your customers’ RVs. If left unaddressed, those scratches and fiberglass damages can lead to deeper damage like rust and corrosion to the body of the RV.

You can provide a valuable service for your customers that gives them a simple solution to those blemishes by partnering with Colors on Parade.

Our mobile SMART repair specialists

come to your dealership to service your customers right through your service drive. Making those minor exterior repairs convenient and affordable for your customers keeps them coming back to you time after time, building customer loyalty.

Commercial RV Body Repair

Create A Profit Center for Your Dealership

Partnering with Colors on Parade creates a profit center for your dealership. The partnership creates additional income for the dealership with little to no work required on the dealer’s side. By offering RV dent repair services right through your service drive, you create an additional income stream for your dealership that is high profit and low effort. Studies also show that customers who return to the dealership for various services like maintenance and scratch and dent repair more frequently are more likely to buy their next RV (or vehicle) from you. Having a scratch and dent repair service offering through your dealership just makes sense as it gives customers another reason to visit you. Colors on Parade has been partnering with all types of dealerships to provide minor exterior repairs for over 30 years.

How Colors on Parade Works for Your Dealership

Colors on Parade provides scratch and dent repair, bumper repair, alloy wheel repair and headlight restoration. We do this with our mobile technicians that come directly to your location and work directly with your service drive, so you keep your customers right on site with you. This gives customers a chance to view the latest RV models while they wait for their repairs. It keeps customers in the know on the latest options while providing them with a valuable minor exterior repair service that protects their current RV’s resale value. Contact Colors on Parade today to learn how we can partner with your RV dealership to provide these valuable repairs for your customers.